Licensor Support

Hot Market Event Support
Timing is everything. Hot markets offer the most exciting fan experience, and a crush of new revenue opportunities!
Experienced assistance
Operational strategy
Maximum merchandising
Optimal store layout
Pricing strategy
Additional placements

Special Event and Pop-Up Opportunities
Special Events increase sales. The opportunity to create a fun time for consumers ties them further to your brand!
Experiential retail drives new sales
Bring your brand to fans
Showcase new fan items
Incremental growth
Fun interactive branding
Social media friendly

Licensee Support
Help your licensees garner the most success, quickly!
Product and market strategy
Product design and packaging
Sales and Marketing
User Experience
Pricing analysis
Licensor reporting
New Business Development
Team Retail
Retail Activation is a key part of branding, that consumers embrace to show their love of your teams
Visual merchandising
Product development
Store design